Japanese Bento - The kitchen of a bento shop in Tokyo that never sleeps 24 hours a day. rice ball

  • Опубликовано: 14 мар 2025

Комментарии • 521

  • @Burabura
    @Burabura  2 года назад +97

    Please see the summary column for maps and business hours.
    0:00 オープニング
    2:10 唐揚げ
    3:30 たくさんのおかずの調理
    18:25 弁当盛り付け 1
    22:47 カツ煮作り
    26:52 弁当盛り付け 2
    33:48 豚の角煮
    35:17 弁当盛り付け 3
    43:30 巨大おにぎり作り 1
    44:21 オムライス 調理
    46:29 麻婆茄子 調理
    54:08 弁当盛り付け 4
    56:57 巨大おにぎり作り 2
    58:30 売り場の弁当郡
    1:00:39 実食

  • @ousioTV2023
    @ousioTV2023 Год назад +21


  • @kojikido477
    @kojikido477 Год назад +20


  • @agentorangecb1
    @agentorangecb1 Год назад +89

    Wow. One of those boxes is seriously about what I would eat over 4-5 days and I'm a grown man. Love the effort and freshness. Fast an easy food doesn't need to be junk! Great vid

    • @Deathscythe91
      @Deathscythe91 Год назад +7

      you a small man xD?
      thats a regular dinner to me xD

    • @agentorangecb1
      @agentorangecb1 Год назад +2

      @@Deathscythe91 I'm certainly not a big guy... About 70kg & 180cm. I only have one protein/greens smoothie and one main meal a day, so it's defo below avg. Still, that's a lot of food! 6 eggs in one dinner? Good on ya. It looks so good that I'd happily put it all away, if I could make the space 😉👍

    • @Deathscythe91
      @Deathscythe91 Год назад +3

      @@agentorangecb1 at the moment im blasting 7500 calories per day xD

    • @skywalker5969
      @skywalker5969 Год назад


    • @Deathscythe91
      @Deathscythe91 Год назад

      @@skywalker5969 im 1.95m tall and weight is 120kg so im very hungry

  • @AdrianoYamashita
    @AdrianoYamashita Год назад +8


  • @Hajo87-tz7hz
    @Hajo87-tz7hz Год назад +39

    These prices, everything handmade and it looks so mouthwatering - if I'd live in the vicinity I'd never cook once again in my life 🤤

    • @Boris_Chang
      @Boris_Chang Год назад +4

      I’m with you. I think a lot of single people living in Tokyo just don’t cook (other than a Cup Noodle now and then). Imagine working very late, and then it dawns on you late at night that you are really hungry, and that 24-hour places like this exist all over the city. Tokyo is a foodie’s heaven.

  • @LagrangePoint901
    @LagrangePoint901 2 года назад +39

    I'm so glad they brought back the 24 hour live internet stream. I liked popping in anytime and just watching the customers drop in all hours of the day and night. Thank you for the link.

    • @pencilcheck
      @pencilcheck Год назад

      Where is that?

    • @LagrangePoint901
      @LagrangePoint901 Год назад +1

      @@pencilcheck I just checked and they seemed to go off live stream again. I'll send you the link if they connect again.

    • @alainportant6412
      @alainportant6412 Год назад

      @@pencilcheck dont listen to him, just search this on youtube
      Kitchen DIVE
      キッチンDIVE 亀戸店

    • @LagrangePoint901
      @LagrangePoint901 Год назад +4

      @@pencilcheck They are back up and live streaming again. Search Live camera in Tokyo Japan Kitchen Dive

    • @tablescissors
      @tablescissors Год назад

      @@LagrangePoint901 Arigato!

  • @vanexai
    @vanexai Год назад +10

    I put this before going to bed every night... Helps with sleeping a ton! Knocks me right out. Keep it up!

  • @あちゅ-r5i
    @あちゅ-r5i Год назад +12


  • @kristhomas2165
    @kristhomas2165 Год назад +61

    Now that's cooking on a massive scale. Everything looks so delicious and inviting.😊

  • @deroko-san
    @deroko-san 2 года назад +22


  • @_Claire_Bear
    @_Claire_Bear Год назад +150

    I’m lucky to have lived in Japan and enjoyed these foods. It’s always fresh, tasty, and high quality. Missing these foods so much.

    • @sakesama1
      @sakesama1 Год назад +10

      Time to move back !

    • @dania5174
      @dania5174 11 месяцев назад

      Just simple question... How many serving is that per bento?? Isn't it too many food if it's for one serving??

    • @_Claire_Bear
      @_Claire_Bear 11 месяцев назад

      There's an option if it's a party size or individual..

    • @dania5174
      @dania5174 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@_Claire_Bear owh... I thought one bento per one person.. I can't imagine eating all 1kg by myself...😅😅

  • @china-trip
    @china-trip 2 года назад +6

    My best friend, It's always great. Your video is excellent quality. We liked and enjoyed to the end. Thanks

  • @agapintheclouds6159
    @agapintheclouds6159 Год назад +11

    The quality of your videos is incredible! Good job!

  • @しんたろう-e4o
    @しんたろう-e4o Год назад +7


  • @kyokoyoshida5324
    @kyokoyoshida5324 Год назад +29

    凄いとしかいいようがないほどの お弁当の種類と量ですね …1キロのお米に参りました それに 安すぎです。❤😂😊

  • @markmoorhead1442
    @markmoorhead1442 Год назад +5

    We definitely need one of these restaurants in Chattanooga Tennessee It all looks so delicious !!

  • @mariajesusrocha756
    @mariajesusrocha756 Год назад +7

    Olá amigo aqui no Brasil hoje e domingo vamos compartilhar vê essa delícia de receitas dá culinária oriental quê eu sou fã parabéns especial para à equipe do restaurante gostei muito obrigada🌟🌷😁🇧🇷❤️👍

  • @lenoredemers3560
    @lenoredemers3560 2 года назад +51

    Everything looks tasty and expertly made! English subs are greatly appreciated. 😊

  • @moonfanaras
    @moonfanaras 4 месяца назад +1

    One of those big lunch boxes definitely could be made into 2 different meals. Thats a lot of food. Knowing myself though, I'd prob eat it all at once because it looks so yummy.

  • @jfabritz
    @jfabritz Год назад +6

    My mouth is watering looking at the huge selection of bentos from 500-1500 Yen. I wish there was one near where I work because I'd eat it all the time. 🙂

  • @unebonnevie
    @unebonnevie Год назад +3

    I must come to this place next time I am in Tokyo! Those bentos with deep fried stuff could clog my arteries but I am willing to try one! The eel over rice is the best dish!

  • @silverstreaker9727
    @silverstreaker9727 Год назад +10

    Thank you so much for posting this. Lots of great meal ideas but also making me miss Japan.

  • @HOLY9286
    @HOLY9286 2 года назад +8


    • @Burabura
      @Burabura  2 года назад +6


    • @鳥好き
      @鳥好き 2 года назад +4


  • @jannettemarshall
    @jannettemarshall Год назад +1

    it looks like really hard work keeping up with the demand of your customers I loved watching and will be watching again x

  • @joshschneider9766
    @joshschneider9766 10 месяцев назад +1

    The variety alone is amazing but the consistency is absolutely wonderful to see. They are extremely good batch cooks.

  • @ruger3431
    @ruger3431 Год назад +4

    i love the portion sizes, you get so much. it all looks so good and tasty

  • @NG-gu2ur
    @NG-gu2ur Год назад +5


  • @lolitakaur4125
    @lolitakaur4125 2 года назад +8

    Wow,that's amazing!I want to try it all.Thank you for sharing.

  • @waawaaaa
    @waawaaaa Год назад +47

    Feel like you could have 3 meals a day here for a month and just not get bored everything looks so delicious.

    • @HKim0072
      @HKim0072 Год назад +9

      You could buy once and it would be enough for all day. 1kg portions are huge.

  • @emilyjohnson-o1z
    @emilyjohnson-o1z Год назад +5

    This recipe was a game-changer for me! The video instructions were clear and easy to follow, and the end result was absolutely delicious. I'll definitely be making this dish again.

  • @marycollins6864
    @marycollins6864 Год назад +8

    One dish feeds a family. I would love to eat from here one time. Amazing

  • @Leroks
    @Leroks Год назад +11

    Спасибо за ваши видео и поварам за работу!

  • @ОлегАмельченко-ч2ы

    Капец, я захлебнулся собственной слюной , так всё аппетитно выглядит😬

  • @うべべべべ-d8e
    @うべべべべ-d8e 9 месяцев назад +2


  • @まるき-f6p
    @まるき-f6p Год назад +5


  • @정건-m1p
    @정건-m1p Год назад +11

    도시락에 진심인 나라...... 꼭 먹어보고 싶다 ㅠㅠ 반찬도 넉넉히 담아주시고 사장님 인심 잘 보고갑니다.

    • @Roy-qi6jz
      @Roy-qi6jz 11 месяцев назад +1

      ㅂㅅㄴ도시락 맛있게 먹으렴🎉

  • @Lost_In_Space_123
    @Lost_In_Space_123 Год назад +2

    I have to try some of these Bento meals. They look yummy and delicious.

  • @TheHolydruid
    @TheHolydruid Год назад +4

    Looks divine and its all so cheap, I wish we had this where i live

  • @くろこ-v1k
    @くろこ-v1k 2 года назад +4


  • @NS_outdoor
    @NS_outdoor 11 месяцев назад +2

    Amazing food prep & big portion 😍😍😍 every meals look super yummy ☺️☺️☺️

  • @phiphi-u8s
    @phiphi-u8s Год назад +2

    all the foods are mouth watering hope i can visit japan 1day and eat them all.

  • @miriamgomez275
    @miriamgomez275 Год назад +2

    😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 look so delicious and the food is beautiful, well presented.

  • @elizabethmchenry3102
    @elizabethmchenry3102 Год назад +2

    OH MY!!! So many bento boxes!! Do you have the recipes for the meat items? Im watching in Kentucky. I love bentos. I went to Japan a lot while I was working and enjoyed it so much. Now I want to learn how to make them. Where can I find the recipes, kurasai? Domo Arigato gozaimas da.

    • @Burabura
      @Burabura  Год назад

      Thanks for watching.
      I haven't checked the details of the recipe. Please imagine from the video.
      More Bento shop videos to come.

  • @bleachiniac
    @bleachiniac 2 года назад +11

    The portion is huge! But I would definitely enjoy this bento! Love it!

  • @veronika3926
    @veronika3926 Год назад +16

    Как же это всё аппетитно 😋😋😋 Всё чисто и аккуратно 👍✌️

  • @riveraanast
    @riveraanast Год назад +2

    Would love to learn how to make them. All looks delicious

  • @KyraDAVIS-jw6fi
    @KyraDAVIS-jw6fi 10 месяцев назад +3

    Rather envious. Every meal looks great

  • @cecybalboa
    @cecybalboa 4 месяца назад +1

    Everything looks so delicius and people so polite ❤

  • @chaser_allelujah3005
    @chaser_allelujah3005 11 месяцев назад +3

    How I would LOVE to try these bento boxes!!! 😢

  • @adel-711
    @adel-711 Год назад +1

    I like Japanese bento next January when I go to Japan, I’m gonna buy a few bento boxes to bring back to Canada with me. They are really handy for making lunch for work. Very nice. Very nice.

  • @rosariomaestrado80
    @rosariomaestrado80 Год назад +2

    Looks very yummy. Like the way they cook 🎉

  • @davidlawand2805
    @davidlawand2805 Год назад +2

    i just love the first bento
    eel and rice with that beautiful sauce
    i would love to get some

  • @野上妙子-v5l
    @野上妙子-v5l Год назад +2


  • @1016.oxygen
    @1016.oxygen Год назад +1


  • @bymilko_o6174
    @bymilko_o6174 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @LilisHariyati-v9u
    @LilisHariyati-v9u Месяц назад +1

    Coba sesekali ditayangkan menu bemto utk anak -anak, bisa kan yamg sehat tentunya

  • @OanhTrinh-x7l
    @OanhTrinh-x7l Год назад +2

    healthy and tasty rice ball so good for breakfast😍

  • @TheIcpfan23
    @TheIcpfan23 5 месяцев назад +1

    My Japanese brothas and sisters what is all of this. Me and my old lady would love to give it a try

  • @Fractal227
    @Fractal227 Год назад +1

    what a feast for 1.500 yen, Here in Denmark i would love to have such a shop, for lunches or just from time to time when i get home late, this is pretty much non existing in Denmark, its all pump and glamour at a price point that is very high.

  • @tarabottogino
    @tarabottogino Год назад +4

    That is a very generous portion. My God, bless them always!!! 🤩😋👍

  • @バイクで旅する男子竜也さん
    @バイクで旅する男子竜也さん 3 месяца назад +1


  • @johnbarry5036
    @johnbarry5036 Год назад +2

    that looks so good and healthy! Well, 1 out of 2 aint bad.

  • @АкманарАмангулова
    @АкманарАмангулова Месяц назад +1

    Какие внушительные порции - весь день можно этим питаться👍

  • @wolfhauzer3178
    @wolfhauzer3178 8 месяцев назад +2

    wish i could try one of those bento boxes, sadly i don't live in Japan.

  • @benjaminnguyen554
    @benjaminnguyen554 Год назад +2

    the amount of food on one plate is unbelievable, i count what appears to be 6 eggs on one tray of food in addition to the other sides

  • @spud854
    @spud854 2 года назад +7

    Some of these big boxes are only 600 yen=4.18 euros, how is that possible 😂one such box can feed 2 ppl! and the food looks great as well, thank you for sharing it, it was nice to watch.

  • @vamptowngirl6922
    @vamptowngirl6922 Месяц назад +2

    Omg I wanna eat that bento with the eel ❤😮

  • @assassinsrequiem
    @assassinsrequiem Год назад +3

    I would love to know how it tasted!
    The flavors, what sauces they used, all kinds of details so I can imagine what it tastes like.

  • @megabolt5898
    @megabolt5898 11 месяцев назад +2

    Now I'm really hungry~

  • @mariajesusrocha756
    @mariajesusrocha756 Год назад +1

    Olá à todos os meus amigos aqui no Brasil são 09:09 minutos eu sou a sua amiga comentarista brasileira vamos compartilhar OK obrigada 🌟🌷😁🇧🇷❤️👍

  • @秀美-g2v
    @秀美-g2v 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @mariajesusrocha756
    @mariajesusrocha756 2 года назад +3

    Olá amiga parabéns gostei muito da sua marmitas deliciosas obrigada OK eu sou sua amiga brasileira comentarista vamos compartilhar 🌷🌟😁👍🇧🇷❤️

  • @めいる-s2c
    @めいる-s2c Год назад +2


  • @kesepasa1
    @kesepasa1 2 года назад +5


  • @徐堃維
    @徐堃維 Год назад +2


  • @wpontius4355
    @wpontius4355 Год назад +3

    Don't know about the flavoring of the sauces, but the food looks delicious!! It would take be several meals to eat those generous portions.

  • @user-lr8ru6vc5p
    @user-lr8ru6vc5p Год назад +3

    It's so mesmerizing to watch!

  • @ケン爺ホルモン焼きチャンネル


  • @ritalamy5866
    @ritalamy5866 Год назад +3

    That's a LOT of food in that there box!! Looks wonderful 😂!

    • @ihatewastefood3948
      @ihatewastefood3948 11 месяцев назад +2

      1 kg bento only 500-1500 yen good quality and delicious❤

  • @tasan7109
    @tasan7109 2 года назад +12

    Everything looks so tasty ❤️

  • @LebaneseSafyre
    @LebaneseSafyre Год назад +109

    Even as an American these portions are making my jaw drop to the floor. It all looks delicious and I'm definitely bookmarking this place on maps ;)

    • @tablescissors
      @tablescissors Год назад +4

      @Jason Voorhees GOOD

    • @leobrooks5717
      @leobrooks5717 Год назад +5

      ​@jasonvoorhees5640 Why you got sick emoji? Have you tried dog before?

    • @ucc930ml
      @ucc930ml Год назад

      @jasonvoorhees5640 Your brain is made of sponges

    • @zakelwe
      @zakelwe Год назад +5

      I assume the average life span in Japan went down significantly after this shop opened up.
      Got to love 6 fried eggs as a topping to all the fried stuff and rice below it .....

    • @HKim0072
      @HKim0072 Год назад +2

      Even at a normalized yen rate of 110, this stuff is cheap. At 140, this is the biggest bargain ever.

  • @dleland71
    @dleland71 Год назад +2

    WOW! And they do this every day.

  • @MRK8383
    @MRK8383 Год назад +1

    The quality consistent care, most countries cant even compare

  • @nippon.ganbare
    @nippon.ganbare 2 года назад +12


  • @無無和尚
    @無無和尚 Год назад +2


  • @karmalingers
    @karmalingers Год назад +1

    My mouth was watering so bad, I had to stop watching it.

  • @mssinocent
    @mssinocent Год назад +2

    That teriyaki eel look amazing

  • @Keiiii012
    @Keiiii012 2 года назад +16

    if we have this shop in our hometown, i swear i'll buy everyday for every meal.

  • @shanenguyengauthier6674
    @shanenguyengauthier6674 2 года назад +7

    Une superbe vidéo avec des sous titres en français ! Génial

  • @takataka6700
    @takataka6700 2 года назад +3

    すっげ! 食ってみたい

  • @Dr-dikhead
    @Dr-dikhead Год назад +7

    God I wish we had something like this in America.

  • @鎧武者
    @鎧武者 Год назад +2


  • @abcd33876
    @abcd33876 Год назад +2


  • @livecameralivedive6416
    @livecameralivedive6416 2 года назад +7


    • @Burabura
      @Burabura  2 года назад +4


  • @burtmacklin6443
    @burtmacklin6443 Год назад +3

    I want one so bad. I also want to hug them for the incredible food they make but I know that's taboo.

  • @bambori85
    @bambori85 Год назад +2

    The food looks so delicious, yummy yummy for my tummy. ❤❤❤

  • @latdh1388
    @latdh1388 2 года назад +2

    is bento eaten hot or cold, and does the fried food go soggy? love the video and all the food looks amazing

    • @Burabura
      @Burabura  2 года назад +4

      These Bento's are best eaten warm.

    • @latdh1388
      @latdh1388 2 года назад +1

      @@Burabura Thanks

  • @ximkai8794
    @ximkai8794 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks, ill take 4!

  • @c-historia
    @c-historia 2 года назад +3

    this video is amazing 👍