To me a fiscal conservative looks somewhat like this:
A person who makes enormous amounts of money without much effort but is quick to point out how everyone else is making free money without working, regardless of the ground economic facts.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Well, that might describe some who
claim to be fiscal conservatives. But basically fiscal conservatism is just the belief that (in this case) government should be fiscally responsible: do not spend more than is taken in, keep taxes low, don't waste taxpayer dollars on bureaucracy, etc. Some fiscal conservatives subscribe to supply side economic theory instead of Keynesian/demand side theory. Currently, there are very, very few people in the GOP leadership who even understand supply side theory in full. At best, many believe that cutting taxes (for select groups) meets the (minimum) requirements of being a supply sider. Here's the deal with that though. If you cut taxes, in the short term, government revenues will be less. The long term economic goals depend on the lower tax rates spurring economic growth in the medium to long term, which would (theoretically) produce greater tax revenues in the longer term. Done correctly, at the right point in an economic cycle, it does work. Misapplied, it's a disaster. But in the short term, to really make it work, one would have to ALSO cut spending to make up for the lost revenues. That's the part that the neocons and the Bushies didn't get. For every $1 cut in domestic spending, they wanted to spend $2 on some meaningless foreign expedition or military program.
At the end of the day, you can tell a fiscally responsible administration from one that is not. Just ask the question:
is there a surplus? Odd as it may be, Clinton was pretty fiscally responsible = surplus. Duhbya Bush was a fucking disaster = deficit and near depression. And I suspect that Obama will be pretty (fiscally) disasterous as well. The main (fiscal) difference between Bush and Obama is, Duhbya wasted OUR money overseas (Iraq will end up costing us at least as much as the stimulus, if not more) and Obama will waste it domestically. Me, if it's going to get wasted anyway, I'd rather have it tossed about here.
The whole point is, to me, an outsider, all kinds of American conservatism, though often possessing contradicting notions, are confusingly overlapping each other.
The truth is, we Americans are basically full of shit a lot of the time... myself included. Very few people are able to avoid hypocrisy, at least some of the time.
Really good questions though. :thumbsup:
Say, if you wanna have some fun... if you ever come to America, or if the silly bitch ever makes it to your country, ask Sarah Palin how the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend is not socialism, and ask her how she can claim to be a "fiscal conservative" when she placed a windfall profits tax on oil companies in Alaska... and distributed that money to the people. :wtf: Now just realize that such a question may cause her eyes to begin rolling around in her empty head

, and she may begin twitching and winking... but it'll be OK. As long as she lands
headfirst when she collapses from this hard line of
gotcha questioning, she'll be fine. There's nothing in her head that can be easily damaged. Cause ya see, Sarah is a bullshitter too.