Rice Planting in Japan

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Rice Planting in Japan with the use of Amazing Rice Planting Technology

Комментарии • 1,5 тыс.

  • @naganovlog6028
    @naganovlog6028  2 года назад +37

    please watch our Rice Planting 2022

  • @FarmGearInnovators
    @FarmGearInnovators 6 месяцев назад +7

    I love how traditional rice planting in Japan combines culture and agriculture! 🍚🌾

    • @naganovlog6028
      @naganovlog6028  5 месяцев назад

      @@FarmGearInnovators thank you for watching!😘

  • @oleeswell7603
    @oleeswell7603 2 года назад +6

    Absolutely amazing technology. Less manpower, more cost effective, more efficient. Work is done faster.
    Watched till the end, can't get my eyes off the video.
    Full support given

  • @timblackwood1531
    @timblackwood1531 4 года назад +53

    I've been rice planting in Thailand and believe me it's very difficult. This magical machine is truly amazing ❤️❤️❤️

  • @chevrobert6607
    @chevrobert6607 3 года назад +7

    Great video. It was interesting to see how rice is planted in Japan.

  • @capscaps04
    @capscaps04 3 года назад +35

    I don't know nothing about rice farming but seen the kind of technology you have in Japan for this was amazing.

    • @naganovlog6028
      @naganovlog6028  3 года назад +1

      thank you for watching

    • @capscaps04
      @capscaps04 3 года назад +1

      @@naganovlog6028 you are welcome. ; )
      Wish you the best over there.

    • @seefelfelvitug6398
      @seefelfelvitug6398 Год назад

      Hi , we are interested about the machine , where we can buy that. we need in the Philippines , please advice
      Amazing machine, love it🙏🙏🙏🥰

  • @janehumphrey6987
    @janehumphrey6987 4 года назад +21

    Thank you for this video! I showed it to students in my Environmental Science class to see how machinery is used to plant rice.

  • @economicsoftheworld2711
    @economicsoftheworld2711 4 года назад +13

    I never thought rice planting could be so satisfying to watch. Amazing technology!

  • @bernflorentine6280
    @bernflorentine6280 4 года назад +28

    Wow amazing, hope that soonest farmers here in the Philippines could access to this kind of machine and technology, just how you do it there in Japan..

  • @ameenm7255
    @ameenm7255 4 года назад +22

    Salute to Japan 's technology 👍

  • @AirborneRenegade
    @AirborneRenegade Год назад +5

    As a southern American who grew up around American rice farming the concept of planting sprouted rice in a flooded field is a foreign concept, but it’s amazing to see never the less. Goes to show the differences in cultivation in different parts of the world.

    • @algoritmaatoz8782
      @algoritmaatoz8782 Год назад +1

      is there any video of planting rice in usa ? i did search but didn found yet

    • @AirborneRenegade
      @AirborneRenegade Год назад

      @@algoritmaatoz8782 Plenty of them.

  • @prajogautama7042
    @prajogautama7042 2 года назад +1

    Amazing.. Iam very apreciate how new technology implemting in Japan. Hopefully that technology can implementing in my country to increase the produktivity

  • @RandomvidsNoms
    @RandomvidsNoms 2 года назад +24

    I'm an Indian farmer ,still we uses cow to plough the field ..this kind of technology is too advance for us ..I hope this kind of technology will be soon available to the common public in India ...🙏🙏🙏

    • @pushpa7346
      @pushpa7346 2 года назад +1

      we use bull for ploughing.

    • @sute4
      @sute4 2 года назад +3

      India is a country that will grow significantly in the future
      Mahindra and Mitsubishi are in a cooperative relationship.
      Mitsubishi Mahindra Agricultural Machinery(mam)
      "Rice machines" will be available in your country in the near future.🙏🙏🙏

    • @siddharthsingh7378
      @siddharthsingh7378 2 года назад +2

      We have them already but may be not in some states

    • @KhiAugustine
      @KhiAugustine 10 месяцев назад +1

      What is the price of this rice planter machine?

  • @beekue7845
    @beekue7845 2 года назад +1

    First time I saw it was a great show and amazing planning rice

  • @bensonespela1027
    @bensonespela1027 2 года назад +3

    Sana ganito na Rin dito Sa Pinas para less pagod ang mga magsasaka

  • @rogelioallingagvlogs6702
    @rogelioallingagvlogs6702 3 года назад +1

    Wow kaka mangha Naman niyan host ,, sending my full support host

    • @MayCayVanLang
      @MayCayVanLang 3 года назад


  • @kks319
    @kks319 2 года назад +3

    Amazing machine.. we should all respect farmers they feeds us👍

  • @marsalva2673
    @marsalva2673 2 года назад +16

    Philippines should adopt this modern method of rice planting, to increase production and more versatile, while preventing ache and body pain to the farmer!

  • @vengsekim5847
    @vengsekim5847 4 года назад +5

    Amazing of the equipment and how to use it. Japan is the good quality.

    • @MayCayVanLang
      @MayCayVanLang 4 года назад


  • @imeldadanan8441
    @imeldadanan8441 10 месяцев назад +1

    Sana dto rin sa Pinas matutunan ang technique ng pagsasaka sa Japan para less pagod at mabilis trabaho.

  • @jitulnathrj3599
    @jitulnathrj3599 4 года назад +3

    Nice technology 👌...Love from Assam🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @haulerstv767
    @haulerstv767 4 года назад +1

    hello nice rise planting machine ngayun lang ako nakakita nyan.bagong kaibigan po

    • @MayCayVanLang
      @MayCayVanLang 4 года назад


  • @freddiekinsler1890
    @freddiekinsler1890 3 года назад +41

    Would love to see this in Farming Simulator 22 , hope to see more videos of Rice and systems to harvest crops. Thank you so much for the videos. Great job.

    • @MayCayVanLang
      @MayCayVanLang 3 года назад


    • @darklife258
      @darklife258 13 дней назад

      Well its in 25 now

  • @akashbsmtry5649
    @akashbsmtry5649 2 года назад +1

    So beautiful video love from India 🇮🇳

  • @wikhapsumnyan1132
    @wikhapsumnyan1132 2 года назад +4

    Wow 👍 this is amazing technology love from India.

  • @KshatriyaKarma
    @KshatriyaKarma 4 года назад +47

    I'm a agriculture student in India.. And this technology is amazing.. Love from 🇮🇳 India

    • @manjibnarzary4504
      @manjibnarzary4504 4 года назад


    • @jagirsingh8916
      @jagirsingh8916 4 года назад +5

      @Moto g3i m a humantiy student in india this will decrease employment of needy poor people..wrking in d fields...itna advance bhi na bano...ki dusre ki roti hi chin jaye

    • @sapnaoram8244
      @sapnaoram8244 4 года назад


    • @jagirsingh8916
      @jagirsingh8916 4 года назад +1

      @Udaya Kumar dear bro.....m not being intended to prove u....otherwise.but there still exists farmer...!! D u knw who they r .....thy r actually people of bihar....fr ur kind facts to be cleared...i m sure u also know tht india is 2 largest producer of rice after china ....from this u cn conclude hw mch labour it requires....but diff is some owns big land knw as agriculturist n other small farmers....i m also a son of farmer we own 25 acre land in haryana....n knw d season of rice plantation is being goin on..n in our fiels 100 of bihar labours r working which r depend on wages which we gve to them ...so....tech. may substitute them...which will be uplift to unemployment in our country

    • @jagirsingh8916
      @jagirsingh8916 4 года назад

      @Udaya Kumar bro. Please get ur facts cleared...it dnnt seems to be tht we r at d bottom of productivity at least in case of these agriculture stuff...bro i wrote before also...we r 2 largest producer of rice...n tht to max of productivity arises frm punjab n haryana...n mainly almost of half biharis r in these to states in d fields...i think u r nt geting a practical conversation....i think u mst be aware...tht theory in d books r far away frm d practical knowledge...i agree with u tht techn. Is imp...but it mst be balanced with d labour..othrwse...it wont affect GDP but will surely impact living of labourers...as u hve heard in this locdown...mny of thmr dependent on inds., land nnn all tht

  • @venkateshbalapur6203
    @venkateshbalapur6203 Год назад +3

    This machine impressed me because I never seen rice planting like this is amazing technology is growing great

  • @lucky-fr1ux
    @lucky-fr1ux 4 года назад +20

    India is agriculture country.....this type of technology very imp for India ❤️

  • @wungshimray2787
    @wungshimray2787 3 года назад +8

    interesting i like it. i am deeply impressed by your high technology.

  • @giangowilmapingos
    @giangowilmapingos Год назад +1

    How nice this rice machine planting It is good in my home town

  • @anisurrahaman3663
    @anisurrahaman3663 4 года назад +27

    Really, Japan is a very nice country.

  • @semchhimlifenature7500
    @semchhimlifenature7500 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for sharing and very high technology.

  • @ngamkhoginkhongsai2468
    @ngamkhoginkhongsai2468 2 года назад +5

    very nice & very best ilike it👍

    • @Shortsvideo10000
      @Shortsvideo10000 2 года назад

      Amazing The Poor Farmer Harvests Paddy #rakib_gallery_422

  • @patriaselda8127
    @patriaselda8127 3 года назад

    Woow, thanks God, i found your chanel maam.
    Im wishing na magkaroon na dito sa Pinas ng ganyang pangt
    im ng palay.
    Walang kaputik putik..
    Proud magsasaka here. Bagong kaibigan po. Salmat po sa suporta maam.

  • @paulmacharia9831
    @paulmacharia9831 3 года назад +5

    Thanks for the video,its amazing how technology is evolving and Revolutionising agriculture .If i may ask Which pesticide can you encourage me to use for fighting the golden Apple snail i do have the infestation please help

    • @naganovlog6028
      @naganovlog6028  3 года назад

      There are two types of apple snail pesticide here and
      -we used Sukuminon -Jumbo snail Control

    • @tanayghosh1281
      @tanayghosh1281 7 месяцев назад

      Please tell machine model no

  • @ShahidulIslam-sc9vb
    @ShahidulIslam-sc9vb Год назад +1


  • @akanglemba356
    @akanglemba356 2 года назад +5

    Yemetakotasai ......love from Nagaland ❤️🔥🔥

  • @ouncooking8
    @ouncooking8 2 года назад +1

    Japanese always have new and good technology , Really proud of your country , I also a youtuper too . My contents is cooking

  • @reynaldoflores4522
    @reynaldoflores4522 4 года назад +37

    In the Filippines, farmers still use water buffalos to plow fields. No tractors or other machineries.
    To harvest, they still use primitive scythes to cut the stalks.
    They should modernize to improve their harvest.

    • @MayCayVanLang
      @MayCayVanLang 4 года назад


    • @Danny-vg7ut
      @Danny-vg7ut 3 года назад

      Thats because Philippines still close to OPEN FDI

    • @vangcruz4442
      @vangcruz4442 3 года назад

      @@Danny-vg7ut FDI?

    • @waitlang1121
      @waitlang1121 3 года назад +1

      farms in Central Luzon are quickly adopting new technologies. All the farms around us use either hand tractors or full scale. I remember when I was a kid the thresher was introduced to our farm, then the reaper, and now everyone uses harvesters. The only thing needed are seeders like this, but there aren't enough jobs in the city to immediately replace the seeders so it would probably take a while

    • @dreamtheimpossible7427
      @dreamtheimpossible7427 3 года назад +2

      Ang Pilipinas kasi ang binoboto na lider eh hindi yng magpaunlad sa ating bansa bagkus yng mga ngpapayaman ng angkan o sarili,sa madaling salita nananalo yng mga kandidato na MAGNANAKAW SA KABAN NG BAYAN O YNG MGA KORAP...

  • @karlitoofficiel309
    @karlitoofficiel309 2 года назад

    Hi,my name is Karl
    I have discovered your chanel 3days ago
    I love your videos 🦾🦾🦾
    I am from Congo 🇨🇬 in Africa,i would like to create a rice center!!! Can you help me?

  • @jessiegaray2802
    @jessiegaray2802 3 года назад +5

    Planting rice manually is very fun together with a large number of people.

    • @nareshpal5537
      @nareshpal5537 3 года назад

      Do u know about what is planting and transplanting

    • @DeeJayLovehunter
      @DeeJayLovehunter 3 года назад +1

      @@nareshpal5537 its a local term called it ends with planting. We all know that is transplanting

    • @nareshpal5537
      @nareshpal5537 3 года назад

      @@DeeJayLovehunter oh ok

  • @jatinramchiary7810
    @jatinramchiary7810 2 года назад +2

    Japanese technology is awesome.... ❤️🙏👍🔥

  • @Hansyimnaga
    @Hansyimnaga 3 года назад +34

    Japanese people are smart in every ways.❤️
    Love from Nagaland❤️

  • @AidenPayne-f6l
    @AidenPayne-f6l День назад +1

    omgomgomg this is sooooo sooooo cool i loveee rice my mommy coks rice a lot and i lovee loveeee ricee (:

  • @ritiksharma8674
    @ritiksharma8674 4 года назад +5

    Just great initiative towards rice cultivation.it increase work efficiency many times

  • @sungarden5820
    @sungarden5820 4 года назад +2

    good video! Love From INDIA🇮🇳

  • @dambardiprawal7129
    @dambardiprawal7129 4 года назад +6

    I do not see man.
    I'm from Nepal 🇳🇵
    I like this technology.
    Thank you for the information.

  • @Abdulfaizchoudhary
    @Abdulfaizchoudhary 2 года назад +1

    Upload more videos related farming techniques

  • @bisalshaw2780
    @bisalshaw2780 4 года назад +49

    Japanese's are smart , love from india 🇮🇳🤗🙏

  • @seseihaokip4541
    @seseihaokip4541 2 года назад +1

    New subscriber from India in the state of manipur 😅👍 full support

  • @user-th7st4vp3f
    @user-th7st4vp3f 4 года назад +8

    Can tou please tell the price of this machine and the name of the clinic company from which you purchased it
    Thanks 🙏

    • @fcitychukason0429
      @fcitychukason0429 4 года назад


    • @Zust_genuine
      @Zust_genuine 2 года назад

      Did you get that?
      Reply of this comment is not showing to me.
      If you know name of this & the company name, please send me the link

  • @merlitomixvlogs9979
    @merlitomixvlogs9979 3 года назад

    Wow Ang galing naman ng pagtanim ng palay makinarya na gamit ingat godbless

  • @pauskie6
    @pauskie6 5 лет назад +8

    Sana ganiyan din ang lahat ng magsasaka sa 🇵🇭

  • @HarvesterInField
    @HarvesterInField 4 месяца назад +1

    that's amazing , I want to see this in my region

  • @marilouchavez2289
    @marilouchavez2289 3 года назад +4

    Wish... I could have One like this in the future

  • @AnjaliAhuja6865
    @AnjaliAhuja6865 2 года назад

    Its a fantastic technology. Love from India. 💖 💖 💖

  • @runarunkumar5173
    @runarunkumar5173 4 года назад +6

    Excellent technology
    Salute to your invention.

  • @protanaman1887
    @protanaman1887 2 года назад +1

    Amazing technology rice👍

    @6DIMENSIONSGP 3 года назад +4

    Japan is the land of rising sun. Also rising in plants mounting technology. 👍

  • @santadhar9810
    @santadhar9810 2 года назад +1

    Japenea people are industrious always my father said me.a lot love Bangladesh

  • @androidgaming6787
    @androidgaming6787 4 года назад +24

    I want to travel to Japan..because we have many Buddhist temples in Japan .. I am from Bangladesh. May I contact you?

  • @ahmadrizkybob731
    @ahmadrizkybob731 4 года назад +1

    Wow hebat sekali alat tanam padi nya 100% mantap.....i am from indonesia love production japan.

  • @sanjayboro2853
    @sanjayboro2853 4 года назад +36

    Wow! High techology.
    Love from Assam, India.

  • @flamah10n
    @flamah10n 3 года назад +1

    wow! How good are the technology! the back of one who plant rice, would rejoice a lot being spared from such arduous service!

    • @MayCayVanLang
      @MayCayVanLang 3 года назад


  • @sackjparrow6314
    @sackjparrow6314 4 года назад +5

    At first, I was wondering with how you will plant on the corner, with some of the place you have already planted. And your solution were just run over it, I didn't even think about it. Good job! Rice farmers in my village still using primitive ways. I hope, Maybe 4-6 years later the technology will catch up here.

  • @noligalonmixvlog.423
    @noligalonmixvlog.423 4 года назад +1

    Ang galing,sana mayron din dito nyan sa pinas.

  • @dimitarspasov4134
    @dimitarspasov4134 3 года назад +10

    Very good invention!are the machines made in Japan?

    • @lionfab252
      @lionfab252 2 года назад

      Please how can I buy this machine in Nigeria ? 🇳🇬

    • @topnotch9710
      @topnotch9710 2 года назад

      @@lionfab252 Go to Japan

  • @rambharoseyadav1945
    @rambharoseyadav1945 2 года назад +1

    Nice video thanks.

  • @robindrabasumatari4345
    @robindrabasumatari4345 3 года назад +4

    One day I'll visit in Japan

  • @a2zlive.
    @a2zlive. 2 года назад

    Nice Machine
    Love you from India 🇮🇳💞🇯🇵

  • @pranjitpartho
    @pranjitpartho 4 года назад +6

    Love frm india, assam. ☺

  • @petercederstrand2044
    @petercederstrand2044 2 года назад

    These machines will probsbly save a lot of backs!!! GREAT TECNOLOGY!!!

  • @lakaypatty
    @lakaypatty 3 года назад +17

    The Philippine government should invest this type of farming technology for their farmers instead of depending in rice importation from Vietnam and China.

    • @jg23-i9f
      @jg23-i9f 3 года назад

      Agree. As an agricultural and biosystems engineering student, farming mechanization is not enough and laws supporting it are not fully implemented.

    • @haroldabonitalla2243
      @haroldabonitalla2243 3 года назад +1

      Bro, they already invest that kind of machines. But sad to say, some of the farmers didn't agree kasi daw wla na silang pag kukunan NG hanap buhay. Yung iba nga dito sa mindanao ay sinusunog NG mga armado.

    • @jg23-i9f
      @jg23-i9f 3 года назад +1

      @@haroldabonitalla2243 I'm from Mindanao as well. Yeah, sad to know the news about that na sinusunog.

    • @haroldabonitalla2243
      @haroldabonitalla2243 3 года назад +1

      @@jg23-i9f that's the reason why that kind of machinery don't exist in the Philippines. And I also understand those people doing that. Nag hahanpbuhay lang din namn sila . 😊

    • @syntaxerror6283
      @syntaxerror6283 3 года назад

      this technology was introduced during GMA, most farmers don't agree with it. Marami mawawalan ng kita kapag planting season na, I was once a farmer kaya alam ko din pakiramdam nila.

  • @AngelinaSoares-n7l
    @AngelinaSoares-n7l Год назад

    Ita Nasaun TL MK hetan modelu Ida hanesan karik, signifika Ita hetan Moris dk ona no Ita bele dehan Ita Nia nasaun avansadu ona. No se MK sei kaer Tan katana no enzada nst. Parese Timor mos hetan susesu hotu, no la Hein Tan hahan importasaun Sira hanesan dadauk Ita konsumu nebe Mai husi nasaun avansadu Sira seluk hanesan iha video ne rasik❤❤

  • @mynsofamilia6173
    @mynsofamilia6173 4 года назад +22

    "The family that works together will harvest good as ever". Well said

  • @marilynalilay6698
    @marilynalilay6698 3 года назад

    Wow Amazing rice plants

  • @jyotirowling1715
    @jyotirowling1715 4 года назад +5

    Wonderful, love from india

  • @Druk-thunder
    @Druk-thunder 3 года назад +2

    Everything is so well organised in Japan

    • @urekmazino2022
      @urekmazino2022 3 года назад

      Yeah, along with Thier red light districts

    • @vangcruz4442
      @vangcruz4442 3 года назад

      @@urekmazino2022 yeah, better then street corners.

  • @bobbyzalzos6015
    @bobbyzalzos6015 3 года назад +3

    wow! amazing... japan machinery is the best in the whole world!

    • @urekmazino2022
      @urekmazino2022 3 года назад

      Baka mono da!!!
      Philippine bulshet is the best in the world!

  • @soldierboy1581
    @soldierboy1581 2 года назад

    Love this rice planning 😍❤️

  • @sanatanworld21
    @sanatanworld21 4 года назад +7

    ❤️ love from India 🇮🇳🌹🌹

  • @TheAexitus
    @TheAexitus 5 месяцев назад +2

    What are the little wheels on the outside of the machine that you use to plant the rice? 7:41

    • @naganovlog6028
      @naganovlog6028  5 месяцев назад +2

      they are the marker on bothside. you are going to put it down to get the center when planting .

    • @TheAexitus
      @TheAexitus 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@naganovlog6028 Thank you for the information

  • @dipikoch959
    @dipikoch959 4 года назад +9

    One day if I got good job ..I will buy this for my parents ✊😍

  • @julietcalangian3665
    @julietcalangian3665 4 года назад +1

    Grabe gina galing naman ng rice planting jan ambilis

  • @thanuvlogs3232
    @thanuvlogs3232 3 года назад +3

    I love Japanese... Technology... from India, Telangana, Rudrangi...

  • @pungihembram3782
    @pungihembram3782 2 года назад +1

    Really it's an amazing machine...

  • @susantobadeng7264
    @susantobadeng7264 4 года назад +6

    Kapan alat ini bisa ada di indonesia. Pak mentri pertanian bikin kerjasama dgn negara yg bisa membuat mesin tanam padi ini supaya petani kita boleh maju di bidang pertanian. Terimkasi...

    • @ismanisman3007
      @ismanisman3007 4 года назад +1


    • @inasera3149
      @inasera3149 4 года назад +1

      Diah ada ko di indo sekarang mesin nya

    • @susantobadeng7264
      @susantobadeng7264 4 года назад

      @@inasera3149 infonya kemana dan cara pesannya kemana. Makasi..

  • @ronamatabang5269
    @ronamatabang5269 4 года назад +1

    Galing nman👏👏👏

  • @georgejoseph4053
    @georgejoseph4053 4 года назад +10

    I'm using small Chinese mechine that's very slow and messy always women work again your mechine unbelievable your mechine making accuracy no loose places
    My dreams your great mechine
    Thank you

  • @ravisingh-vp1tp
    @ravisingh-vp1tp 2 года назад +1

    Japan - culture with technology 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • @saranavinash9261
    @saranavinash9261 4 года назад +24

    hi,I am an indian🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳,I love japanese people very much

  • @sravanibura9141
    @sravanibura9141 3 года назад

    Your very smart people love from india💟

  • @pearllowe2188
    @pearllowe2188 4 года назад +7

    This machine or similar will come to India as many farmers' kids are getting educated and looking for opportunities other than farming.

    • @universalsoldier811
      @universalsoldier811 4 года назад +2

      It has already come to india. In haryana and punjab. But not many. In future, it'll be everywhere I think

    • @aguabudiansah5465
      @aguabudiansah5465 4 года назад

      Buang kementar

  • @alfredoadolfo1743
    @alfredoadolfo1743 4 года назад

    Okay planting rice nyo jn sa japan ahh Sana mayron yn sa pinas from pinoy samaki tv

    • @MayCayVanLang
      @MayCayVanLang 4 года назад


  • @redmediatvm
    @redmediatvm 4 года назад +3

    Wow super technology , from Kerala India

  • @hollismccray3297
    @hollismccray3297 2 года назад

    Fascinating to watch. A very ingenious machine.

  • @al-nijandamang165
    @al-nijandamang165 4 года назад +4

    Sana meron sa Pinas nito para hindi na mahihirapan ang mga farmers

    • @lakandula6729
      @lakandula6729 4 года назад

      they wont allowed agriculture in phil...improved...importing industry will die...corrupt govt official will die...😂😂😂

  • @jenibatvjtv.9784
    @jenibatvjtv.9784 4 года назад +1

    Great Technology ❤️👍👍🙏

  • @fatmesaleh1558
    @fatmesaleh1558 3 года назад +3

    Hi, where can we get this planting machine from? Do you have a link for the supplier?
    Thanks for your video

    • @MayCayVanLang
      @MayCayVanLang 3 года назад


  • @loveislove9770
    @loveislove9770 2 года назад

    Japanese people and Japanese technology are the best. I wish these machines were available in India