Can I Survive 100 Days in Subnautica's HARDEST Mod?
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Special Thanks to War Thunder for Sponsoring the video! Play for FREE NOW on consoles, pc, or mobile and dominate exhilarating vehicular warfare!
To celebrate reaching 100k Subscribers, I decided to spend 100 days playing Subnautica's hardest mod: Deathrun2.0. This mod is difficult for many reasons; Creatures are much stronger and aggressive, progression is much slower and more complicated, and the mod introduces many new mechanics that make the game far more realistic (and aggravating). From destructive leviathans to squishy submersibles, this challenge was definitely the playthrough of a lifetime.
Also, shoutout to the people who changed their pfp on stream:
(If I forgot you or misspelled your username, comment "Mono Likes Men" down below)
Psssst, click this link to play War Thunder-
Red plauge when?
Bro, Squishy has the same exterior paint like my first seamoth had for a while. LOL!
How about finding every hard mod and combining them together eh?
How to log in to my account because I don’t know how to
ROUND 2 Hardcore mode deathrun 2.0
55:00 "DOnt take another step or we will use force!" Warper: *casually floats*
Aint no way bro actually managed to upload after years.
This is a blessing
Now this is truly a blessing
I’m gonna touch you
@@monoaurelio AYO... Please do man... I'm lonely 😭
Viscerface on a Mono Vid is crazy, but I'm here for it
ngl, I've been binging your videos these past few days lmao
29:44 “beware creatures, it is i, mono welder aurelio.” that unexpected script was actually so dang funny 😭🙏
Hey Mono, I have my finals tomorrow. I get to listen to you while studying and you are making it hard to become smart. Thank you :D
Make sure to focus on your exam! If you don’t pass, I will touch you 👁️_👁️
@@monoaurelio getting freaky 🤨
On a Sunday??????? Good luck tho
@@Cinamyn-silly Probably college or other schools
I've never seen your content before but I watched this whole thing all the way through which is pretty rare for me with how long this video is but the whole time I was thinking this would have like over a million views and the actual view count was shockingly low. I hope this gets really huge :3 you've earned a sub
Welcome to the cult- I mean the mob ❤️🤍🖤
@@monoaureliohappy to be a part of the... Mob
19:15 "want my kidney while you're at it?!" Had me rolling
This is one of those videos that you would watch 42069 times before you get bored
That’s a very concerningly specific number 😀
I knew why wake up today! An hour long video, its like a gift from a god himself! Thank you very muchhh!!
I love your videos Mono! Dont go outside on April 3rd, 2025 at 2:16 PM!
this mod is the digital embodiment of "batteries not included" or "power cells not included"
He uploaded. Definitely paid his rent.
Incorrect, I paid rent 2 times 😭
@@monoaurelio rip
I'm so excited to have seen this channel grow, congratulations mono
Thank you for being along for the ride ❤️🤍🖤
@monoaurelio I'll always be here
Proof that mono got kidnapped and replaced by aliens
1) he didn’t roast his viewers
2) didn’t call a cuddlefish ugly
3) felt guilty for killing every single leviathan
4) didn’t put a creative message when a Mesmer was around
BABE WAKE UP MONO UPLOADED (heart me or i will come to ur house)
Bold of you to assume I don’t need another slave
Kiss me PLEASE 🙏🏿🙏🏿 (6ft, dreads, black, 200 pounds, buff, bench 1 pound PR is 2)@@monoaurelio
יהודי! I love your vids btw mono
Bold of you to assume that they don't want to be one, @@monoaurelio
3 hours and still no heart, we’ve failed men
Best part of the year (when mono uploads)
Best part of the decade
1:02:33 Cows eat wheat, Chickens eat corn, my brother in Christ, your prawn suit is GONE
You forgot to say “for free after 2 years”. Not kidding. I haven’t even reached rank 5 for tanks. It’s so slow
Love how everyones talking about how he came back, but I'm here marveling at the fact he came back.
Honestly this was one of my favorite subnautica videos ive watched
20:30 froggit blocks the way
Crabsquid was the greatest opp
First video of yours (I think) I’ve watched, and I was laughing throughout. Just when I think I may be tired of the RUclips Subnautica recommendations, this was a light in the darkness.
**Some days earlier** "yummy yummy wethaw dowses owf wadiation"
**Even more days earlier, constantly running out of oxygen and regaining oxygen again and again.**
congrats on 100k mono! that’s a hell of an achievement i’m really proud of you
Hell yea! Finally a longform Mono Aurelio video, this is what I was waiting for and oh boy we'll be eating good tonight with this one.
these warpers are out of their minds... but i love it
41:43 I got a jump scare from that man 💀
The alien be like what's bro need anything 😂
hour long video? mast- i mean , mono hass blessed us
1:02:44 3 vehicles mono, 3. Don’t forget about dear squishy. 3 vehicles.
Why the hell warthunder sponsor EVERY SINGLE Subnautica video 😭
They are trying to get naval players
21:47 Well it wasn't exactly the planetary air filtration system lmfao
38:34 Mono just got tired of the crab squid 😔
TBF, we all would’ve done the same especially when he was trying to just breathe and it decided to be a Nuisance. Also it was funny to watch.
this is wayy too underrated, has to be one of the best subnautica videos on here
39:07 lowkey didn’t even know Crabsquids could go into the Lost River
16:34 "wallahi im finished💀"🤣🤣🤣
was i the only one expecting kyanite to be used in the creation of the prawn suit lol
Mono i think I speak for a lot when I say I really love these long form videos and you should do them more often
This guy is so good, love u bro.
32:08 "CHAT HELP!!!" Like, wtf we gonna do? Throw a slipper through the screen?
46:49 Mono busts at the sight of a prawn suit fragment
Sans going to give bro a BAD TIME 💀
I felt the pain in those screams😭🙏
ya boy chaotic965 has arrived and is exited to see this
41:47 the warper is like nah this is my home leave
Hello Mono,
I have now located you after your upload. Please anticipate my presence on the edge of your bed, observing your attempts to scream and flee, despite your paralysis.
- Chip
1:15 Yeah, Mono. That's gonna hurt mine too.
Holy hour of Mono this is blessing from God
I love how goofy the warpers were in this playthrough.
being a recent subscriber, i love you man, keep the your mom jokes coming and never quit
Always a good day when mono uploads
I'm watching this at 2am just when I was about to sleep and I can't now, too traumatized
Your musical taste is immaculate. Jojo, Persona, Undertale? Damn
100k congrats on your sla- i mean subs!!!
Thank you my lovely sla-sub
@@monoaurelio you're very welcome
Only benefit to those heartbreaking recipes for the vehicles is the end result is so, so, SOOOO rewarding
39:08 Yup, we all saw it!
Mono remembered his password and decided to immediately bless us with an hour long video 🙏
Yo mono finally got out on bail ( idk how his attorny managed to do that)
We just straight up killed the judge tbh
The amount of ads i got while watching this video was crazy man 😭🙏🏻
55:13 This is the second time that the warper has given me a goddamm jump scare.💀
The background music you add really add much comedy to your videos
the screams of pain and agony makes me happy for some reason.
36:27 fun fact Chameleons change their color based on emotions I can say this from experience
3:01 vaping air🥀
29:51 American Venom hits hard 🔥
yes crash cannon made it into the intro :)
(55:00) Warper: screw the laws of physics and fuck the water. *floats in base*
this turned from trying to beat subnautica hard ER mode to getting revenge on a giant fish for destroying days of hard work.
yoooo i love ur vids
Okay the editing on this actually goes insanely hard wtf
Wake Up Honey Mono Aurelio Is Back!!!!!
3:02 Hamster Aurelio
I've been playing Ultrakill for like hours and used your video to destress then you betray me with THIS 1:00:14
I’m 2 minutes in and this is already funny af, looking forward to my next hour and 12 mins
this dude is hella funny.
Bro channeled the power of a thousand floaters to float into a higher dimension
That poor sea moth did not deserve what you put it through to ultimately die like that 😭
Poor Mono got PTSD from this 😂😂😂😂😂
Those screams were filled with pure mental pain 💀
babe wake up mono aurelio posted a new subnautica video
"i made a mistake! chat help!" what is chat gonna do against the leviathan good sir...
Mono: *Makes new Video**
Coments: Ain't no way Mono uploaded
its been 68,758 years but hes finally posted
Over all my years of playing subnautica I never knew the jellyshroom caves had diamonds and magnatite..
Sadly 1 hour late because I was asleep but HAY I GOT THE POPCORN LIKE I SAID-
57:33 For future reference the briefly activating the shield generator will knock those things off
I love being Mono’s sla- subscriber
14:38 Watashi no na wa “kirayoshikage” nenrei 33-sai jitaku wa moriōchō hokutō-bu no bessō chitai ni ari… kekkon wa shite inai… shigoto wa “kameyūchēn-ten” no kaishain de mainichi osokutomo yoru 8-ji made ni wa kitaku suru tabako wa suwanai sake wa tashinamu teido yoru 11 tokiniha yuka ni tsuki kanarazu 8-jikan wa suimin o toru yō ni shite iru… nerumae ni atatakai miruku o nomi 20-bu hodo no sutoretchi de karada o hogushite kara yuka ni tsuku to hotondo asamade jukusui-sa… akanbō no yō ni hirō ya sutoresu o nokosazu ni asa-me o samaseru nda… kenkōshinda demo ijō nashi to iwa reta yo
I loved watching the stream for this vid in real time, thx for making cool videos. side note, i bet you a cuddlefish you wont pin this
Thank you for being along for the ride!!!
Killer queen baukano bites the dust
It's been decades, bro. where you been
41:36 sir please leave my house immediately
When subnautica 2 releases you have to do a multiplayer collab with viscerface!
i gte my food and immediatly see This masterpeice on my fyp absolute cinema